Monday 28 September 2009

The reason behind this blog

"What we don't know" is one of many common ways to address "ignorance", by its namesake, it is a blog to explore "ignorance": What it is, how it comes to our life, what it does to our thinking(and other parts of life), and what can we do about it.

If you indulge me, allow me to talk about myself for a bit. My name is Tommy, an undergraduate PPE(Philosophy, Politics, Economics) student, at the moment, i am working on a research on the role and effect of ignorance in politics. More specifically, i try to show ignorance has a positive role in political decision making, and its effect is recognised, but not considered because there are misconceptions about ignorance itself.

So, in this blog, i will publish my research as they are written. The point being that, in some sense, i am ignorant myself. So my research is to minimise the influence of ignorance, it must be placed under scrutiny from many viewpoints and thoughts, those viewpoints and thoughts, will be yours.

Other than this blatant self-advertisement, there will be plenty of putting the thinking in practice, hopefully they will be simultanously entertaining and informative for you.

So, without further delay, coming up is the introducton to the research(version 1.0, subject to change)

Can't wait to hear your views!

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